See the way you were meant to see with precise vision!
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Stahl Vision wants to offer all your eye care needs under one roof! Therefore, Dr. Brian Stahl and Dr. James Knowles built the Eye Laser and Cataract Surgery Center. We offer the latest technology, the most experienced doctors, and the friendliest staff all in one convenient location!
When is it time to have cataract surgery?
Here at Stahl Vision, cataract surgery is done as an outpatient surgery-- no hospital stay required, with a local anesthetic and
no needles, no stiches!
As soon as cataracts are causing vision difficulties that affect your ability to perform daily activities such as driving at night, driving into oncoming headlights or sunshine, glare from bright lights, or difficulty reading, then it may be time for cataract surgery. You no longer have to wait for the cataract to be "ripe" or until you're in danger of loosing your license.
As we age our natural lens becomes more dense and cloudy and eventually becomes a cataract. If we all live long enough, we will all eventually need cataract surgery.
And now, with advanced lifestyle lenses we can help correct astigmatism and help restore your reading vision when you have cataract surgery.
What happens during cataract surgery?
Cataract Surgery: is an outpatient procedure and one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the US. The procedure is done in our facility at the Eye Laser & Surgery Center. From start to finish expect to be there about 2 hours, but the procedure itself only takes about 20minutes.
Below lists the step-by-step procedure for Cataract surgery:
A small incision is made in the cornea, the clear part of the eye. This allows tiny instruments into the eye.
A tiny hole is made in the capsular membrane that surrounds the cataract. (Think of an M&M. The capsule is the candy coated shell, the cataract is like the chocolate on the inside.)
Dr. Stahl or Dr. Knowles will carefully break up and remove the cloudy cataract. The cataract is gently broken apart by an ultrasonic instrument. This process is called phacoemulsification.
Then your doctor washes and vacuums out the broken down particles of the cataract.
The new lens is folded up and inserted into the lens capsule, (the same membrane that once held the natural lens of the eye,) at which point it opens and its haptics, or “arms”, unfold to keep it in proper position.
The small corneal incision is self-healing and typically requires no stitches. With the cataract removed, and the new lens in place, light can once again pass to the back of your eye, for clearer, more youthful vision.
What is recovery time like?
You will return home take a 2 hour nap and then relax for the remainder of the day after your procedure. Most patients report improvement in their vision as soon as the next day. You should be able to resume normal activities, such as working or driving, within just two to three days. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions, use your medications as prescribed and keep your follow-up visits. An aftercare sheet with these aftercare instructions will be given to you at the surgery center.
What are the different types of intraocular lenses implanted after cataract surgery?
Monofocal Lens (Standard Lens) - is designed to clear distorted vision caused by the cataract and is covered by insurance. This lens has one point of focus which is typically distance. This lens will provide more clarity, more vibrancy with colors and cut down on some glare issues, for instance night driving. You will need glasses or contacts to correct the other ranges of vision. Strengths: provides clarity, insurance covers the cost of this IOL. Weaknesses: only offers 1 focal point, does not correct astigmatism and you will require bifocal glasses for reading and up-close vision as well as some intermediate distances.
Advanced Lifestyle Implant Lenses- With advancements in technology there are now several options available to renew your vision and regain control of your lifestyle. Today’s cataract surgery has the potential to not only eliminate your cataracts but also allow you to regain more youthful vision. . For patients wanting to rid themselves of cataracts while also gaining more visual independence, Stahl Vision is happy to offer Advanced Lifestyle Lenses. These implants restore some of the ability of the eye to see with little or no glasses/readers. Unlike a bifocal lens in your glasses, you don’t have to look down or tip your head back to use these implants. Much like when you were younger, vision is good at multiple distances Advanced IOL’s will increase the out-of-pocket cost of your cataract surgery, since the cost of these advanced lens implants is not covered by Medicare or other insurance plans.
Crystalens- is a focusing lens (moves and flexes) that offers excellent distance and intermediate (desktop computer, or car dashboard) vision. The Crystalens focuses by mimicking the human eye by using the eye muscles to change the shape of the lens thus changing the lens power. An advantage of the Crystalens is that there is less night glare and sharper contrast than with some other multifocal implant lens designs. This lens can also correct astigmatism (Trulign version). For fine print or when holding objects up-close readers will be necessary to see clearly.
Strengths: distance, intermediate & night driving.
Weaknesses: may need readers for up close
Tecnis Multifocal- is a bifocal implant lens that offers near and distance vision. This lens brings things like reading books into focus and offers much more improved near vision over any other lens choice. With this Tecnis lens you will be able to see at a distance as well, but intermediate vision (for instance a desktop monitor) may be less clear. It is typical to experience some glare and halos with night driving that usually improves over time. Strengths: near, distance.
Weaknesses: some glare/halos with night driving that improves over
time, slightly less clear intermediate.
Toric- is an astigmatism correcting lens that also offers excellent distance vision, better than the standard monofocal lens. Reading glasses will be necessary for up-close vision, and often for intermediate vision. You may be able to wear non-prescription readers or magnifiers that are readily available.
Strengths: distance vision, corrects astigmatism.
Weaknesses: will need readers for near and sometimes intermediate vision.